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Get Your Comprehensive Back Pain Treatment

Written By Total Care Injury & Pain Centers on November 22, 2022

man with back pain

Suffering from low back pain can affect your ability to work, enjoy your hobbies, and spend time with family and friends. At Total Care Injury & Pain Centers, our chiropractor can evaluate the underlying cause of your low back pain and provide safe, effective holistic treatment that will get you back to your regular daily routine. 

Spinal Manipulation

If your low back pain is caused by a misalignment in your lumbar spine, our chiropractors at Total Care Injury & Pain Centers will recommend spinal manipulation, also called a chiropractic adjustment or spinal adjustment. During spinal manipulation, our chiropractors will use his hands or an instrument to manually adjust your spine. Realigning your spine relieves stress on the spine and nerves and improves your posture and mobility.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

If your low back pain is caused by a disc herniation or compression of a nerve near your spine or lower back, our chiropractors will recommend spinal decompression therapy. This treatment utilizes a motorized traction table to gently stretch your spine into alignment. The treatment takes about 30-45 minutes, and after treatment, you can go back to your regular activities without downtime.

Massage Therapy

Our chiropractor at Total Care Injury & Pain Centers may combine massage therapy with another chiropractic treatment to give you a comprehensive treatment plan. Massage therapy can reduce pain and inflammation, improve circulation, and improve mobility. 

Physical Therapy and Exercises

If your low back pain is causing mobility issues or preventing you from working, our chiropractor will recommend physical therapy in addition to other chiropractic treatments. You may also learn some therapeutic exercises and stretches you can do at home. This will reduce stiffness and inflammation and improve mobility so you can get back on your feet sooner.

Comprehensive Back Pain Treatment at Total Care Injury & Pain Centers

Rather than just provide treatment for your symptoms, our experienced team at Total Care Injury & Pain Centers will perform a full evaluation to determine a comprehensive back pain treatment plan that targets the underlying cause of your pain. We are committed to getting our patients back on their feet as soon as possible so they can go back to their lives pain-free. 

To learn more, call us or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Spinal Decompression Back Pain Massage Therapy Physical Therapy