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How To Prevent Neck Pain While Sitting at Your Computer

Written By Total Care Injury & Pain Centers on May 27, 2023

blog neck pain

Neck pain from sitting at your computer all day is very common. The human body is designed to stand and walk around all day, not sit and stare at something. This has led to an unhealthy hunch and painful head tilt, which can lead to headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and even chronic pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. Our team at Total Care Injury & Pain Centers at five locations in Louisiana wants to help you stay alert and pain-free while working, gaming, making art, or writing the next great novel. These tips can help you prevent neck pain while sitting at your computer:

Set the Perfect Monitor Height

Avoiding head tilt is critical to avoiding neck pain. A tilted head puts massive strain on your neck muscles, which leads to pain, stiffness, and headaches. Set your monitor so you’re looking straight at it while sitting upright. This naturally encourages good posture.

Make Sure Your Elbows and Knees are Bent at 90 Degrees

You need the rest of your spine to support your neck, and you need your arms to not weigh you down. When you fold your legs under you or stick them out, it shifts the curvature of your spine. Do this for hours on end five days a week, and you can have back pain on top of neck pain. Keeping your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent at 90 degrees helps preserve the natural curvature of your spine. 

Get an Ergonomic Chair

Poor posture can lead to neck pain, and when you zone in on your task at hand, posture is the last thing on your mind. Invest in a comfortable yet ergonomic chair that promotes good posture without having to think about it much.

Use a Sit-Stand Desk

This is a pricier option that’s well worth the investment if it’s in your budget. Standing while working takes a brief adaptation period before it feels normal, but your body, including your neck, will thank you for staying on your feet more.

Find Relief Through Chiropractic Care

If you’ve got poor posture due to your desk job, come see our experienced team of medical professionals at Total Care Injury & Pain Centers. We can provide comprehensive neck pain treatment, and provide education on ergonomics, posture, and prevention. You can schedule your appointment by calling our toll-free number at 1-888-693-9983 to learn more about our Louisiana locations.


Posted In: Neck Pain